سوالات متداول (FAQ)
How does APKPure Online APK Downloader Work?
APKPure Free Online APK Downloader provides you with the quickest search and download of free apps and games from Google Play Store. Just enter the app name or the package name to find and download the apps you want.
1. If the package name is correct, you will be redirected to the app info page to start downloading the app.
2. If there are more than one result matches your search, you can find the app/game you want from the result list.
3. If the package name is invalid, you may search by the app name instead.
Can I Download Region-Restrict Apps?
APKPure Online APK Downloader lets you download any region-restrict apps and games (For Free Only) on Android devices directly wherever you are. All you need to do is to search for the apps you want and click on the download button.
Is This APK Downloader Safe?
APKPure APK Downloader is 100% safe. APKPure APK Downloader provides you with original XAPK / APK files from Google Play Store (Free Apps Only) without modification in any way. All play.wpcoder.cn apps are verified prior to publishing to protect your safety.
Do I Need An Account to Download?
APKPure doesn't require login account to let you download apps and games on Android devices safe and fast. APKPure Online APK Downloader saves your time and protect your privacy by allowing users to download apps and games to Android without registration.
How Can I Install XAPK File Directly on Android?
You can download and install XAPK files (Android App Bundle or split APKs) via APKPure XAPK (APK) Installer with simple one tap. Moreover, you can view, update, delete and manage all the XAPK / APK files on your phone in one place on APKPure APP.