We’re excited to bring you an amazing new update to Fiona’s Farm!
100 New Puzzle Levels with a New Obstacle!
• VAULT: Hit VAULT with power-ups to open it and make matches next to it to get GOLD BARS out!
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We’re excited to bring you an amazing new update to Fiona’s Farm!
100 New Puzzle Levels with a New Obstacle!
• VAULT: Hit VAULT with power-ups to open it and make matches next to it to get GOLD BARS out!
We’re excited to bring you an amazing new update to Fiona’s Farm!
100 New Puzzle Levels with a New Obstacle!
• JUICE MAKER: Make a match of the same color next to JUICE MAKER to fill the glass!
We’re excited to bring you an amazing new update to Fiona’s Farm!
100 New Puzzle Levels with a New Obstacle!
• MUSHROOM: Make a match of the same color next to a MUSHROOM to pop it!
We’re excited to bring you an amazing new update to Fiona’s Farm!
100 New Puzzle Levels with a New Obstacle!
• MUSHROOM: Make a match of the same color next to a MUSHROOM to pop it!
We’re excited to bring you an amazing new update to Fiona’s Farm!
100 New Puzzle Levels with a New Obstacle!
• MUSHROOM: Make a match of the same color next to a MUSHROOM to pop it!
We’re excited to bring you an amazing new update to Fiona’s Farm!
New Adventure:Village of Sun
• Fiona and Charles are teleported to Ancient Egypt to search for Evie. Can they uncover the secrets and find her?
New Event: Freaky Fair
• Help Fiona and Emma restore the Halloween carnival after a thief stole all the prizes!
New Event: Spooky Night
• Complete jigsaws to solve the Halloween night mystery!
100 New Puzzle Levels with a New Obstacle: FLOWER POT!
We’re excited to bring you an amazing new update to Fiona’s Farm!
New Adventure: Factory
• Start your journey along our heroes and explore the mysterious Factory!
• Uncover its secrets, gather crucial information, and navigate dangerous challenges in this exciting adventure!
New Event: Secret Temple
• Test your skills by beating multiple levels on your first try and claim an amazing reward!
100 New Puzzle Levels with a New Obstacle!
• Barrel: Make 4 matches next to a barrel to break it!
We’re excited to bring you an amazing new update to Fiona’s Farm!
New Adventure: Factory
• Start your journey along our heroes and explore the mysterious Factory!
• Uncover its secrets, gather crucial information, and navigate dangerous challenges in this exciting adventure!
New Event: Secret Temple
• Test your skills by beating multiple levels on your first try and claim an amazing reward!
100 New Puzzle Levels with a New Obstacle!
• Barrel: Make 4 matches next to a barrel to break it!
We’re excited to bring you an amazing new update to Fiona’s Farm!
New Adventure: Factory
• Start your journey along our heroes and explore the mysterious Factory!
• Uncover its secrets, gather crucial information, and navigate dangerous challenges in this exciting adventure!
New Event: Secret Temple
• Test your skills by beating multiple levels on your first try and claim an amazing reward!
100 New Puzzle Levels with a New Obstacle!
• Barrel: Make 4 matches next to a barrel to break it!
We’re excited to bring you an amazing new update to Fiona’s Farm!
New Adventure: Factory
• Start your journey along our heroes and explore the mysterious Factory!
• Uncover its secrets, gather crucial information, and navigate dangerous challenges in this exciting adventure!
New Event: Secret Temple
• Test your skills by beating multiple levels on your first try and claim an amazing reward!
100 New Puzzle Levels with a New Obstacle!
• Barrel: Make 4 matches next to a barrel to break it!
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